Musa Blue Java (Ice Cream)

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Cultivar Name

Botanical name:-Musa acuminata ss. Java Blue( Moo-suh)(ah-kew-min-AH-tuh)


Ice cream Banana, Dwarf Banana, Dwarf Blue Java Banana, Ney Mannan.



(credit the flying dutchman)


(credit Gabe15)


(credit Gabe15)


(credit Dombo)


(credit Dombo)



(credit AltadenaGarden)

(credit Dombo)


(credit AltadenaGarden)


(credit AltadenaGarden)

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The Blue java (Ice Cream) is a possible mutation of the Orinoco or the Saba. It is purported to be a humanized hybrid there are numerous sub-species of this banana due to its long History of cultivation. It is parthenocarpic, hardy to zone 8, reaches up to 15 feet in height. It is semi wind-resistant owing to a strong pseudostem and root system. It is also resistant to choking and black sigatoka, but is more cold-sensitive than its other Bluggoe relatives like Orinoco or Goldfinger. It is susceptible to Panama disease. The leaves and pedicles have a silver-green hue that is somewhat celadon in color and lay in a radial pattern along the pseudostem reaching lengths up to 10 feet at maturity. It produces a white inflorescence at approximately 15 to 24 months ripening in approximately 115 to 150 days. The fruit is blue-green and stands at an angle to the rachis. Fruit starts out as soft silvery green, ripens to light yellow and is medium sized. It does not fruit well in warm, temperate areas according to some reports. The flesh is snow white with a slightly pithy core. The quality of the fruit is excellent, and many rate this the best tasting banana. It has a taste reminiscent of vanilla pudding - yet firm and sweet.

  • Genetic Group -

ABB 2n=22


Indo-Malaysian region reaching to northern Australia.

  • Date realized in trade - Exact date unknown but was cataloged in 1956 Simmons (Possibly earlier 1813 but with errors)


Desert banana


  • Time To Bloom - 15 to 24 months

  • Time To Harvest - 115 to 150 days
CA ~ 6 months


  • Mature Height -

Up to 15 feet. CA ~ 12 ft

  • Survival Zone -


  • Fruiting Zone - CA zone 9 unprotected p-stem
  • Cold Hardiness - CA zone 9 unprotected p-stem

Cold tolerant

  • Wind - In spite of its height,

it stands up to the wind well

Full sun. Handles hot dry conditions well. Leaves fold above 100 degrees F. Observed little or no sunburn.

  • Taste Description - considred one of the best tasting Vanilla flaver with and exsalet creamy texture
  • Personal Notes -

Pups well.

  • Growth tips - thes rathere talish Banana grows well in a veriaty of climets dose well in containers and fruits easly likes eavanly most well draning soil whith farly high levals of organics mixed and mulched talarats sun but at higher elavations needs a fair amount of sun protection has shown good resistins to winds in exsece of 50mph in arid climets has shown some suseptability to high ph 7.0 will turn yellow with to much potaseam not a fast grower in low humidity folds leafs at high temps but recovers at night over all this is a modaratly tuff ss. prtect fruit in high temps by placing light colerd paper over top of fruit do not fertilize dering fruting if the temps are high fruite will turn black and rot has shown a weker Pasudo stem and nees proping wial fruiting to keep plant from faling over from the heavey wates of fruit

Known Afflictions

  • Pests - Borers, grasshoppers, and root nematodes

  • Susceptible Diseases - Panama disease and Black Sigatoka

  • Resistant Diseases -

Research Notes

  • Links to useful discussion threads in the forum:
  • Typical Price Range -

Members Growing This Banana


  • Sources