Musa '1000 Fingers'

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Cultivar Name

1000 Fingers





A most unusual banana, '1000 Fingers' is a beautiful solid green plant that grows 8 to 10 feet tall and produces sweet 1 ½” tiny bananas too numerous to count. The stem of fruit can be as long a 8 feet. The fruit are seedless and sweet with a pleasant flavor.

  • Genetic Group -


(Most probable place of origin, like Himalayas, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, FHIA, etc. Any history about its discovery or breeding should go here, too.)

  • Date realized in trade - (Date when this cultivar was first introduced to the trade or hobby.)




(General description of the bloom, unique flower features, etc.)

  • Time To Bloom - (Average number of days to maturity starting from 1 ft pup pseudostem height under tropical conditions. If this is known, one can extrapolate this into number of warm days here in the US and estimate how long it would take to bloom.)
  • Time To Harvest - (Average number of days (starting from full flag leaf extrusion) to harvest (when the first hands start to turn yellow) under tropical conditions. Again, this can be extrapolated into the US growing conditions by counting the number of warm days under our conditions. Together with the number of days to bloom, the overall speed can be ranked as to which are fast growing or not.)


  • Mature Height - 8-12 feet
  • Survival Zone - Zone 8-10
  • Fruiting Zone -
  • Cold Hardiness General - (The general accepted cold hardiness zone based on review.)
    • Cold Hardiness Personal - (Your personal cold hardiness scoring based on actual experiences relative to other cultivars grown and also from interviews of reliable friends and colleagues about their experiences in growing the same banana in their USDA zones. After you input data in this field, please sign your entry using these characters ~~~~ (just the four tildes). This will insert your name and the timestamp.)
  • Wind - Wind tolerant.
  • Sun - Full sun to no less than 30% shade. Foliage growers should use 30%-60% shade.
  • Taste Description - Sweet with a pleasant flavor.
  • Personal Notes - (Personal notes about this variety as it performs in your yard. Start a new line by using an asterisk paired with a colon. After you input data in this field, please sign your entry using these characters ~~~~ (four tildes). This will insert your name and the timestamp.)
  • Growth tips - For best growth above 65°F is recommended. Good water holding capacity is needed.

Known Afflictions

  • Pests - Borers, grasshoppers, and root nematodes
  • Resistant Diseases - (Known diseases that this cultivar is resistant to.)

Research Notes

(All useful research note compilations.)

  • Links to useful discussion threads in the forum:

(aside from the discuss tab at the top of this page), create your links like this:

  • Typical Price Range - (Common prices, including shipping and handling.)

Members Growing This Banana

You may add a comment to your marker if you plan to give away, trade, or sell them and for what price.


  • Sources
    (Where this cultivar may be acquired; possible listing of sources and other nurseries. Please leave indented with the asterisk and colon symbols)