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View Profile: ron_mcb
Last Activity: 12-10-2024 12:21 PM
naw mek smaddi ditate fi yuh. naw wan gwan a pawty yuh naggo.
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Feedback Score: 1
Positive Feedback: 100%
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Points: 97.00
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Total Points: 97.00
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Biography :
i dont grow trophy plants.
Location :
Central Georgia
Interests :
Growing palms,musa,and learning and sharing knowledge about them.
Occupation :
Trying to do right by People
Zone :
Banana species and cultivars grown? :
1) Gran Nain survives + genetic predisposition for non- persistent male flowers/bracts...survives
2) Dwarf cav+ genetic predisposition for persistent male flowers/bracts. survives
3) Zebrina+survives/barely comes back
4) Bordelon+survives barely/comes back.
5) Dwarf namwah + good dependable plant for zone 8
6) super dwarf cav + good housplant.
7) Black thai + rotted
8) Little prince+ nice novelty+survives+ good houseplant
9) Abyssinian/ensete M. +beautiful+tuff
10) margarita + weak plant/no cold/direct sun..uses??
11) musa sikkimensis- daj? +testing
12) Basjoo + rots too easily until est. newer clones are weak and not representative of basjoo.
13) Dwarf orinoco (5 ft.max) + tuff..mine is a more productive fruiter than some (seen lots give only a dozen fruit).
14) Tall orinoco (7-15 ft. max) + tuff.. mine has genetic predisposition for giving fire red pups.
15) Velutina+ testing
16)Siam ruby+ survived 1st year protected/ established...not hardy.
17) Musa red/white iholena +had to start over with new clone..ahh the beauty of acquiring new plants.
18) kluia hin/saba?? + decided to start fresh with new rooted corm..had probs
19) ebun musak/crocodile fingers+ healthy start. chocolate p-stem
20) blue java/ice cream+healthy starts have 2 clones separate sources.
21) rajapuri+ healthy start seems somewhat rot resistant
22) kluai hom thong son/viente cohol+ two separate sources. no cold without good protection. little egg like bananas
23) variegated musa + testing cold hardiness soon. yes i know the specific cultivar.
24)gran nain x sum+ looks like red iholena has red spots on top leaf and red fruits unlike iholena
25) another Polynesian + will share my trials this spring
26) another polynesian + share trials this spring
27) kluai nak/J. red+ not hardy but not as problematic outside tropics as people make it out to be. healthy established root system/protection is key.
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