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The Hollyberry Lady 06-09-2010 04:34 PM

Re: My New Bananas!
Your Siam Ruby looks fantastic, Amber. Can't wait to see it later...

: )

Jack Daw 06-09-2010 06:01 PM

Re: My New Bananas!
Amber, is there some red in the Maurelli's leaves? If only the petioles are red and the leaf is generally green, then it's an ordinary Ensete ventricosum, not Maurelli.
Still, a very nice and impressive plant.

Ensete ventricosum

Ensete ventricosum 'Maurelli'

AmberNichole 06-09-2010 06:04 PM

Re: My New Bananas!
Yeah the yellow lotus is a Musella lasiocarpa, aka Chinese yellow lotus, aka Chinese golden lotus aka Chinese yellow banana. All the same thing really hehehe Any thoughts on the leaf curing and new leaf damage?

Thanks Hollyberry, the ruby is by far my favorite so far!

Jack, it looks like the the last one you posted. there is red in the leaves, but its hard t see in that picture. i am about to plant it in the ground so we will see!!!!

Here are a couple pictures of the Maurelli, the underside is getting red the more sun it gets.

Kostas 06-09-2010 06:57 PM

Re: My New Bananas!
Beautyfull bananas Amber:woohoonaner:

That is definately an Ensete ventricosum ''Maurelli''...I have two E. ventricosum myself and love them! :woohoonaner:

The leaf curling is to protect the leafs from sunburn as they were grown in less light that what they are getting now. The new leafs you will get from now on wont be doing that. As for the burnt leaf,i guess it grew that portion of the leaf while in transit and was too tender for the sun it receives. The rest of the leaf may survive but it will also be curling with sun.

The ICs indeed look quite stretched out! I am sure they will be fine though and in 2 weeks they will start looking good already!

Btw,i am very happy to see your Musa sikkimensis survived! Well done!!! Continue to watch your watering carefully and it will grow to be a beauty!:woohoonaner:

AmberNichole 06-09-2010 07:20 PM

Thanks you answers all my questions! The 2 ice creams were grown in zone 7a or 8a i believe so maybe thats why there were "stretched out?" they did produce new leaves and i planted one in the ground, so we will see what happens! I am hoping to sell one on to at least make my money back, I seem successful at that so far.

So you do think that the brown on the Chinese yellow lotus is from sunburn? Like you said it should be ok now, it only get sun until 2-3pm, but it is pretty intense sun.

Here is an updated picture of my baby, i think it should do ok now, and i am waiting for my second leaf!!!

Here is one of my Ice Cream Javas in the ground (i had to chop off half the new leaf because of shipping damage) with my Misi Liki and Orinocos in the background, and the second pic with my baby Ensete ventricosum 'Maurelli' in the ground! :woohoonaner:

AmberNichole 06-14-2010 07:04 PM

Re: My New Bananas!
Here are some more pictures from today. The bananas are really taking off now, producing a new leaf about every 4-5 days.

Dwarf Cavendish

Dwarf Cavendish Pup

Thai Black

Siam Ruby, it has already produced 4 new leaves since i have got it

My little baby looks like it's going to be ok, it's putting out it's first TRUE leaf!!

I also potted a ton of tropical plants that I grew from seed, that i'm hoping to sell so i can buy more bananas lol :woohoonaner:

The Hollyberry Lady 06-14-2010 11:43 PM

Re: My New Bananas!
Everything's looking just fantastic, Amber! :woohoonaner:

Thanks for sharing. Good luck selling your tropical seed grown plants.

: )

AmberNichole 06-16-2010 05:48 PM

Re: My New Bananas!
I got some Basjoo bananas today! I got them from Cherokee Greg all the way in California and check out how beautifully they arrived! I couldn't be happier!

Right out of the box

After planting them (they wilted a little after planting them, but they are already perking back up since this picture)

Jack Daw 06-16-2010 06:13 PM

Re: My New Bananas!
Excellent Amber, you're on fire. :ha:

palmtree 06-16-2010 08:18 PM

Re: My New Bananas!
Nice plants amber! My thai black banana also wilted after I planted it. I wilted so much I had to cut all the leaves off but it has already grown a large new leaf with a second one that will open by the weekend.

Abnshrek 06-16-2010 09:46 PM

Re: My New Bananas!
They look in great shape for taking a cross country journey in a box as hot as it is :^)

LilRaverBoi 06-16-2010 10:34 PM

Re: My New Bananas!
You've got the banana bug BAD! Are you in the triple digits yet LOL! Great pics, thanks for sharing!

cherokee_greg 06-16-2010 10:40 PM

Re: My New Bananas!
:woohoonaner: They arrived in great shape and fast too. Wow they look great. Im happy you like them. Have fun with the adiction ! LOl :woohoonaner: :02::02::0517::drum:

AmberNichole 06-25-2010 08:12 PM

Re: My New Bananas!
A few new pics. Everything is growing so fast! My basjoos that Cherokee Greg sent me are doing great. I ened up cutting most of the older leaves because i don't think they were to happy about being transplanted, but one finished producing a new leaf and one should be done with it's new leaf tomorrow.
The Black Thai and Ruby red are producing leaves ever couple days now and when the new leaf finally opens the next leaf is already about 2"-3" high. My Misi Luki already it getting 2 new pups even though i cut out the the 3 pups it had and put it in the ground less than a month ago.
The wind did a number on the ice creams i have that had thin stems, but i have them propped up and they are still producing new leaves, so we will see.
Also my lawn guy decided to "weed whack" my red Abyssinian, but i think it will still be ok....
OH yeah! Also my baby banana sprout is doing good and getting its next leaf!:woohoonaner:

Here are a couple new pics!

Red Siam

Misi Luki Pups


Sunflowers and Bananas (Left to Right, Orinoco then Dwarf Cavendish then Basjoo

AmberNichole 07-16-2010 07:52 PM

Re: My New Bananas!
Here are a few banana pictures.

My baby banana before being attacked by a caterpillar...

And After....

Here is one of my Basjoos. It's growing nicely and i just got done trimming all the older leaves off. I planted my second one in the front of my house in a big pot :)

Dwarf Cavendish

Chinese Yellow Lotus, it's growing super slow and the leaves still curl during the day. At least it is growing, just doesn't seem to like the intense sun.

Ensete Ventricosum. My lawn guy has something against this banana and somehow manages to weed whack it ever time he comes.....

My Ice Cream has thickened up and is doing good. i had to support it with a stick for awhile. The second Ice Cream I had died I think. The stem kept getting smaller and turned brown. I am hoping the root is still ok and will send up a pup.

Black Thai, this thing is growing like a weed.


I also got some rabbits. Figured I could breed them and make some money, plus their poop makes good banana fertilizer lol They are Flemish Giants and can get up to 26lbs. They are only 8 weeks right and they are both girls. I plan on getting a male in a few months.

DaveE 07-16-2010 08:18 PM

Re: My New Bananas!
We used to have a few rabbits a long time ago. The compost from their droppings and the alpha hay made our garden grow better than anything else we ever tried, and I mean nice thick lush growth. ... maybe the neighbors little girl needs a new friend. lol

Abnshrek 07-16-2010 10:16 PM

Re: My New Bananas!
Like Dave i raised rabbits as a kid.. I know the strawberry and raspberry patches did great. :^)

LilRaverBoi 07-17-2010 01:38 PM

Re: My New Bananas!
Not sure how much you know about raising domestic rabbits, but make sure you keep them in separate cages (especially the male/females). Everyone seems to think they are happier together, but it's best to keep them separated (unless they're still very young). Also, do not feed them spinach/ gives them incurable diarrhea and they can die.

If you ever have questions about raising/breeding rabbits, let me know....I raised/bred all kinds of them (commercial and fancy breeds) for over 10 years (we were up to 75 or so several times) when I was growing up and won showmanship on the county level at least 6 times. I know quite a bit about them and what type of care they need. Don't listen to the pet stores, they often give inappropriate information about salt-licks, litter boxes, treats, to a breeder.

Here are some random facts about rabbits for your reading pleasure:
-Rabbits have 5 toes on their front feet and 4 toes on their back feet.
-There are over 45 breeds of rabbits.
-A rabbits digestive system most closely resembles a horse's.
-Gestation period for rabbits is 28 days.
-Males are called 'bucks' and females are called 'does.'
-The correct way to pick up a rabbit is to put one hand under their belly, lift and then scoop the other hand under their rump. They can then be held against your stomach with an arm under them and their head tucked under your elbow/upper arm (hiding thier face keeps them calm and from kicking)
-Rabbits can sometimes live over 15 years if cared for properly.
-Rabbit meat is all white meat (sorry if people didn't want to think about that....but for the record, it's very tasty).
-Rabbits should have an overbite (front teeth overlap the bottom teeth). The grinding of the teeth while chewing keeps them from overgrowing. If they are not overlapped properly, the teeth grow very long and can cause starvation due to inability to chew correctly. This condition is known as 'malocclusion.'
-Rabbit manure is a great way to ward off wild rabbits if they are eating your garden plants.
-Rabbits often eat their feces to regain nutrients not absorbed upon initial digestion. This is known as 'coprophagy.'
-Rabbits prefer cold weather to hot weather. Be sure they get a cool, shaded area to hang out. To help them cool off on hot days, put a plastic bottle of frozen water in their cage for them to lay against and wet their ears with cool water.

Aight, I'll stop there before I'm rambling worse than I am.

The Hollyberry Lady 07-17-2010 03:39 PM

Re: My New Bananas!
Thanks for that great information about rabbits, Bryan. My mom's got a Holland Lop and she'll enjoy reading that list you've made.

Terrific shots, Amber!

: )

AmberNichole 08-09-2010 08:19 PM

Re: My New Bananas!
Got a couple new bananas. I am running out of room though lol I'm going to have to start planting them in the front of the house (like the Goldfinger)


Apple Pup

And my new favorite Musa acuminata 'Zebrina' Where I bought it it says that it produces an edible banana, but online all i can find is that it produces a seeded inedible banana. I don't know what exactly is right, but if anyone has any information i would be very grateful.

LilRaverBoi 08-09-2010 10:20 PM

Re: My New Bananas!
Zebrina produces seeded naners. Very beautiful ornamental, though!

AmberNichole 09-26-2010 06:13 PM

Re: My New Bananas!
My Ice Cream is really growing!

3 1/2ish months ago

Today the survivor is doing awesome and is about 5 1/2' tall already

My Siam Ruby has 2 pups already and it's still pretty small.

My Chinese Yellow Lotus is coming along nicely now too, but the leaves still curl during hot days, oh well

A newer Banana, Jamaican Dwarf Red Banana

Gold Finger Bananas, I think the pup is going to outgrow the mother plant.

I ended up losing the Ensete Ventricosum after the lawn guy whacked it again, down to a nub. Turned brown and slimy and died after that.

Also my Apple Banana is acting weird and not looking to well, any ideas?

take care!

AmberNichole 09-27-2010 05:31 PM

Re: My New Bananas!
Some more pics.

Apple Banana trying to put out a new retarded leaf. Think I might dig it up and put it in a more shaded spot. Caloosamusa lives near me and he suggested it.

Siam Pups

Some pups all potted up

Also my Basjoos are doing good except the older leaves are getting this black stuff along the edges. It's not the normal "turning brown and getting old". I'm thinking maybe a fungus, but it's happening to both basjoos I have {one in the front yard, one in the backyard}

AmberNichole 10-23-2010 04:31 PM

Re: My New Bananas!
No one likes me anymore :( lol I'm going to keep posting pictures anyways hehehe

My Misi Luki is getting huge, prob about 12' now :)

I got a Saba pup the other day too!

venturabananas 10-23-2010 09:15 PM

Re: My New Bananas!
Lookin' good. I assume that is 12' to the top of the leaves on the Misi Luki, not the p-stem.

How's that apple banana that was acting weird doing?

The Hollyberry Lady 10-24-2010 08:06 PM

Re: My New Bananas!
I still like you Amber! :goteam: Post your shots all the time...I love them! :waving:

Your stuff sure is looking great and thanks for showing. That 12' one is just massive! I would love to have a banana tree that tall! WOW! :eek:

Congrats on the Saba pup! :08:

: )

Caloosamusa 10-25-2010 07:03 AM

Re: My New Bananas!
I know the feeling Amber,

It gets worse in the winter when bananas in colder areas are "put away" and yours are still growing. There are a few that appreciate them. Good weather and good growing to you!! :jalapenonaner:

AmberNichole 11-03-2010 04:16 PM

Re: My New Bananas!
thanks guys. I got a couple more. I ended up getting a new Red Abyssinian Banana and a Pink Velvet since none of my seeds seemed to sprout. The Basjoos seem to really be taking off since the weather has cooled down to the mis 80s and even that fungus stuff along the leaves went away!

New Ensete Ventricosum Abyssinian Banana

Pink Velvet

Scott 11-03-2010 06:02 PM

Re: My New Bananas!
Hey Amber, how is your Apple/Banana doing?
Sometimes I get a caterillar that'll move in and munch the new leaf as it's trying to emerge. Then I get these trippy holes through the leaves. You can see where they poop and that's when I grab some Sevens Dust 5% and give 'er a little sprinkle. Usually does the trick.

AmberNichole 05-08-2011 09:11 PM

Re: My New Bananas!
/the apple banana is doing MUCH better now. The winter freezes here killed all of my smaller bananas down to the ground, but I think that is exactly what the apple needed. It has come back much healthier and stronger than before!:woohoonaner:

AmberNichole 05-08-2011 09:18 PM

Re: My New Bananas!
Some recent pictures of my bananas. I am REALLY hoping the bigger ones produce fruit this year!!! All the smaller ones died down to the ground this winter from freezes, but the bigger ones hung in there!
I also bought a new camera, but the saturation is slightly weird......

Chinese Yellow Lotus


Blood Banana

Newest Addition Nam Wah


Cuban Red

Siam Ruby (this one is not wanting to grow....just keeps popping up pups...)

Apple Banana

Abyssinian and Pink Velvet Banana

Dwarf Cavendish

Thai Black (thats isn't so balck..) and Orinocos

Ice Cream Blue Java

I still need to get new pictures of my Saba and Misi Luki, then I'll post them here :)

The Hollyberry Lady 05-08-2011 10:14 PM

Re: My New Bananas!

You've got some really great banana plants, Amber!!! Gorgeous shots! :08:

: )

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