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Old 06-21-2009, 06:58 AM   #10 (permalink)
Jack Daw
I think with my banana ;)
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Default Re: Gran Nain, Grand Nain, or what?

Originally Posted by Michael James View Post
Thanx guys,
I'm gradually increasing sunlight for mine. Would like to see this one fruit. I've never had a fresh banana but I have heard they are a lot tastier.
Me neither, the only problem there is with our bananas (and yours as well) is that it's harvested unripe, shipped into another country and only after that it is forced to ripen. From what I've read, ripening on the tree, those few weeks, that the store ones miss, also adds much more intensity to the flavor and makes the bananas more pleasureful to eat.
I got the GN bare root and they had problems with light. Even though, I planted them on their spots and waited. We had a heat wave then, about 31 to 33°C, but they held well. Some had a minor leaf burn, but they recovered quickly and now we have extreme cold wave, temps are about 22°C and the nanas are starting to regrow. Many have new leaves, but 2 don't seem to be growing aboive the soil level. I think It might have something to do with that they came bare root. Somehow, they are making new roots and I hope they are just growing below the surface level.

I also have preusmably an ABB triploid to ID, as it was labelled Dajiao, but compared to the others, Grand Nains is pretty fast. Even faster than basjoo at temps around 25-35°C (77-95°F). Basjoos seem to like much milder temperatures and now, that we have cold wave, they started to grow like hell. 1 leaf in 3 days, as it is the second cold day and the leaf is there from none to almost fully open.
Thnx to Marcel, Ante, Dr. Chiranjit Parmar and Francesco for the plants I've received.

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