Thread: Bug busting
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Old 10-12-2019, 02:20 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Name: Planthoarder
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Cold Bug busting

So i've recently begun dosing my indoor potted plants with a peroxide/water combo hoping to kill the fungus gnats and other crap growing in the media.

I confess I didn't use potting soil like people say you should but I just went with whatever I had at the time which was mostly garden bedding soil. I'm hoping the peroxide mixture will curb any fungus growth too.

For those that wonder what the mix is, according to the internet it is 1 part 3% peroxide and 3 or 4 parts water.

Too early to tell if the mix is working but will update when I can see some definitive result.

I'm going to have to order peroxide in bulk from a medical supply place because paying for it at the local drug store is going to make me go broke.
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