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Old 01-31-2008, 06:56 PM   #57 (permalink)
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Default Re: Let's clean up this board.

Originally Posted by MediaHound View Post
OK I have an idea and partial solution that will help.
(well I had the idea, then I scrolled down till Gadget's post, and he has it also )

How about, like Gadget suggested - only pictures from certain galleries will appear on the homepage. Typical uploads will not appear, unless its placed in one of the drill-down specific categories. And so if a member wishes to give a photo good homepage exposure, just add it to the proper category and it will show. Regular member folders and albums would be excluded. Sound good?
That would remove the run of the mill photos from appearing on the homepage, because the way it is now, all photos that get added get added to the homepage. The way it works now is the seven most recent photos, regardless of category, will appear. I can add some code to change what shows up and what does not, so this is a simple fix and will perhaps reap big rewards.
As we grow, we compensate for the changes that have happened and I think its about time we change that around.
I think that will solve a lot of the frustration some members get when they see non-banana pictures on the homepage, it will probably pretty much eliminate that.
I am as much as the next person a banana freak,,but still think it would be nice to be able to post a picture of a palm or a heliconia,or a canna,or a ginger or a alocasia or philodendron etc..... I feel as long as it is a plant or something related to plants -tropicals,or some lighting setup for your plants that it should be allowed,,,having so many different cool plants i feel it would only be a shame to only allow just bananas to be posted so everyone could see them,,just my opion,Jason. But I do understand it is and not TROPICALS R US . hey theirs an idea!!!LOL!!!
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