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Old 04-13-2011, 09:04 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default my over wintering results, surprising!

I wanted to share my experience to help others overwinter.

I purchased a bunch of healthy plants from Sandy last year and they looked great when I got them!

I overwintered in my basement near a small window and with a tube light on a timer. I found gnats to be quite the problem, but I thought I would share my results. I know the lighting was inadequate but was hoping it was "enough" for mild dormancy without death and paying through the nose for electric... I guess not!

I had 2 musa basjoo, 4 darjeeling giants, 4 lasiocarpa, and a 5ft texas star (I think). (Also had my trachycarpus and alocasias you see in the photo) Everything but the texas star was tiny and first year after buying from sandy. The basjoo was late in the season purchase, the other 8 were in puts in front of my house doing fairly well last season.
Here is a photo of their seasonal home:

I have a very warm insulated basement, All of the smallers were stored on a shelf under the window along the edge. I had a small fan to give them airflow, none had mold issues. I sprayed the leaves to keep them from dessicating whenever they appeared dry.
Bugs were a big bummer though so I do not know how much to attribute to bugs.

My results though?
Most everything that survived at minimum lost all of its leaves (except the texas star which has about 1 3/4 left).

Both of the Basjoo died pretty fast! I expected the hardy banana to be the most... hardy but it was the first to go. Both of them completely to the ground and gone in a few months never to be seen again.

Texas star and its pup slowly was losing leaves but held up fine to last the year. I expect full recovery

Lost 3 of the chinese yellows, the leftover is not pretty and very set back.

The darjeeling giants actually did awesome, probably the best. I have one that kept one of its leaves and when I took it to a sunnier place this early season it's been skyrocketing. My assumption was be that these were not as hardy but I would try some anyway. Glad i did!

Non bananas:
Alocasias both most likely did not make it, but who knows maybe there is hope...

trachycarpus fortunei seems to really not do well also btw with the low light. Almost all of the spears appear dried out, I had to cut off a few beyond recovery.

Maybe this could be taken as a lesson in shade tolerance?

Last edited by tastyratz : 04-13-2011 at 09:08 AM.
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