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sputinc7 04-14-2016 03:35 PM

My little GM... or is it?

Kat2 04-14-2016 04:35 PM

Re: My little GM... or is it?
Not to be rude but where are you acquiring your musas? I ask because there are some vendors who seem to send out different plants always and some who sometimes get it wrong but members might be able to track their histories. If you're obtaining from a private owner in your area, well, that would make it harder but I don't live that far away so I want their contact information.:ha:

PS Pups are notoriously hard to ID from what I've seen. Okay, DCs are like really super easy but many others not so much which means you may have grow it to fruiting stage to get a definitive answer. Sorry.

sputinc7 04-14-2016 05:23 PM

Re: My little GM... or is it?
Not rude at all... Hello, neighbor to the north... My dwarf Cav was from Lowe's. My Manzano that turned out to most likely be Brazilian (Which is ok) was from Green Earth Publishing. I also have a Sweetheart and two Blue Java from him. (He sent me a Rhinohorn at first, but sent two of what seems to actually be blue Java to compensate. see more here: ) This one was from a seller on Amazon. DDarkman says he is the only seller on Amazon of these, but I don't remember wine marks on his pics when he got them in, so I wanted to get some opinions. Maybe there's another now.
I personally find it VERY frustrating that nurseries cannot send the plant I order, please don't get me started on that... They seem to mess up orders more often than McDonald's.

Kat2 04-14-2016 05:59 PM

Re: My little GM... or is it?
Buy from established members here or take your chances. I take my chances because I love finding mystery plants; I did that when I collected figs. But I'm not very picky; I ate the flowers of only 1 fig I raised and didn't do it eagerly. I'm not a banana eater but I love growing plants so variety really don't matter to me. If you want a specific plant, you'll have to shop here IMO. (And I don't think sellers are trying to con you it's a matter of telephone or that shampoo commercial ad: "I told a friend who told a friend who told a friend...." Lost in the translation...they sell you what they've been told they have. Ack!)

OT funny but yesterday a lady overheard a friend and me discussing gardening. She got involved in our talk as I often do with others so NBD. She was telling me how different FL gardening is. Yes, it is. Then she told me she harvested no summer squash last year--zukes or crookneck--because, even though she had 2 plants of each, she didn't have both males and females of each.

I hate to argue with anyone but, sheesh, there comes a time you have to take a stand or rumors spread as does ignorance. I spent the next few minutes explaining the facts; squash plants do not need separate potties and that if, as I suspect, her garden lacked pollinators, she could play bee. If the temps were too hot, they were. But squash plants, to my knowledge, are genderless.

sputinc7 04-14-2016 07:12 PM

Re: My little GM... or is it?
Florida gardening is VERY different than up north where we have something called soil.(AKA dirt) Not sand, or sand, or even sand.. the three soil types in Florida.
Also, to my surprise, I found out most plants do not really like sunlight straight from the tap like you get here. It burns most non tropical plants up about May, and doesn't let them live again until fall.
Then there is the humidity which brings on the fungal issues. Everything here fights for it's life against fungus constantly. (Then there are bugs and the tree rats and raccoons constantly digging everywhere)
I realize that most nurseries are passing things along as they are told, but what about the TC labs... you would think they would make double sure they had it right before going to all that work... The whole thing is frustrating and irritating and I don't like it. But, you gotta buy plants from someone...Glad I found this place, people who care about getting it right. Helping out complete strangers because they care. I want to learn a bunch soI can help others as well... (Just wish there was a
And, finally... Squash are indeed genderless and need no other plants to pollinate them. Depending on the person, I may or may not feel obliged to set them straight. You know how some people are... You can't fix stupid, so why try.

Gabe15 04-15-2016 12:37 PM

Re: My little GM... or is it?
It's too young to ID at this point, but when it's 3-4ft tall, post some more photos, particularly of the petioles, Gros Michel cultivars typically have a distinct red margin on the petiole edges. This won't be a 100% ID, but if the plant looks very different, or has other distinguishing traits, it can rule some things out.

This is a 'Highgate' Gros Michel showing this typical trait.

Botanical_Bryce 04-15-2016 09:32 PM

Re: My little GM... or is it?
You will notice on my list that I have unnamed bananas. When I got them they had names then turned out to be not what I was told.

sputinc7 04-16-2016 06:36 AM

Re: My little GM... or is it?
I am trying to get used to the incompetence of the nurseries and / or labs, but I don't know if I can. We pay them to have what they say they have, and it should be correct.

Botanical_Bryce 04-16-2016 11:22 AM

Re: My little GM... or is it?
Nobody sues for $100 then if you get 1,000,000 people to send small amounts of money it adds up and no lawsuits. Added bonus most of the people won't find out they got ripped off for a couple years.

sputinc7 04-16-2016 03:42 PM

Re: My little GM... or is it?
What about doing it right just because it's right? If I had the lab or nursery I would be ashamed to be selling the wrong plants.

Botanical_Bryce 04-16-2016 05:30 PM

Re: My little GM... or is it?
Amen brutha!

subsonicdrone 04-16-2016 08:17 PM

Re: My little GM... or is it?
i forget whether it is in part 1 or 2
but in this documentary they interview operators of a fruit preserve in florida with something like 700 varieties of mango

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