Thread: Riddle me this
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Old 09-10-2009, 09:55 PM   #24 (permalink)
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Default Re: Riddle me this

Originally Posted by momoese View Post
I knew one of the detectives involved in that case, and also knew he was lying on the witness stand because of things he had said to me in private about 6 months before the murders happened. I would have said something but honestly the media, the detective, and the thought of being drug into that circus scared me off.
I know what you mean momoese; But:
I feel this detective was wrong, he should have stepped forward. Since when does injustice trump self satisfaction. Who aided the criminal in this case? Don't take me wrong, I have a great respect for all police officers, but I also know everybody walks to their own beat.

The innocent are forced to suffer and be punished for the criminal's actions, whether or not the criminal is found guilty and that seems to relate only to getting caught in the act. Many people have been set up to take the fall for the actions of the criminal or crime boss. I know honest accountants who have worked for embezzling CEO's and who do you think is in prison now--not the CEO. I know honest people who have been set up by a group of criminals. But in court, it's all their words against the one. In a case of conspiracy or lack of evidence, the court system should allow truth syrum or hypnosis so the one can prove their innocents. I could go on forever, but I won't.

I just have one question for all to think about;

How can one person who has been set up prove his/hers innocents in court today if the criminals don't get caught in the act when commiting the crime and it's your word against the criminals?

Talk about injustice!!!!.......Yeah!!!!!.......Right!!!!!
Catch ya on the rebondKim
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