I added an image,

to the lower right corner of everyone's posts. When you click it, it will take you to the sendpm form to send that user a private message.
Previously, you had to click the persons username and then click the link in the dropdown menu that appeared to send the user a PM directly from the posting page.
You can still do it that way. (try it, click my username and see what shows up, it's the second link down) (also try and become more familiar with whats in there)
The other way is in your
UserCP, you can click the send a new private message link (it's about halfway down on the left hand side) (also please become familiar with the other options while your in there),
Send New Message
but then you have to type the persons username (or start typing one and choose one from the list of matching names that appear) (try that, too, click it and type the three letters, "ban" (as in banana), in the "Recipient Username(s)" field. You'll see all the matches appear, you can click the one you need to have it inserted.
This new SendPM image should really help out those that are new and still getting acquainted with the way the site works, for those that didn't know how or where to find the "send pm" form, as well as help out everyone as it's one less click to get to the "send a private message" form.