Originally Posted by raviiyer1998@gmail.com
My banana plants are growing weirdly, the leaves are staying pale white and very small, the leaves that grow up are turning brown and curling at the edges.
Can someone please help.
added here.
I would like to ask how old your banana plant is? Is it a tissue culture or a start from another plant? What is it current growing conditions, for example, is it indoors or in a cool area? Sorry for all the questions; having some additional information will help in diagnosing this issue. Is it possible for you to share a picture of it?
Normally, pale white leaves that are normal size is due to pushing fertilizers too hard. Pale, white leaves that are small is usually due to transplant shock or environmental change. Some cultivars are more sensitive to this than others. The pale white coloration is because the leaf tissues are thin and not fully developed, this makes them very vulnerable to sunburn and windburn, which can cause browning on the edges that moves deeper into the leaf and leaf curling. One other thing to mention is this can sometimes happen with soil issues, especially if the plant has been in the container for a long time. Excessive salt build-up, from repeated fertilizing and minerals in the water can cause this, and chronically dry or water-logged soils as well.
I hope this helps!