Re: Ripen bananas on the tree or cut once start turning yellow?
Originally Posted by TyraNoah
Its just a myth that bananas ripening on the trunk are sweeter. I specifically dislike the ones that are sun scorched. They may appear ripe but tasteless.
I just go with the in house ripened ones.
what varieties do you grow and include in this statement?
what do you consider sun scorched? never had anything here in florida that has damage from the sun.
Current varieties:
Dwarf Cavendish Fruited , Apple Mansano TC unconfirmed, Rajapuri TC Fruited, Gold Finger TC unconfirmed, Dwarf Namwa TC Fruited, Dwarf Orinoco TC Fruited, Sweetheart FHIA-03 Fruited, Tall Red banana Fruited, Blue Java Fruited, Tall Namwa Fruited, Pisang Raja Fruited, Hua Moa TC Stunted, Dwarf Brazilian Fruited, High Gate unconfirmed, Tall Brazilian Fruited, Kokopo unconfirmed, FHIA-17 Fruited, Dwarf Plantain Fruited.