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Old 11-08-2013, 12:32 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Name: Jeanne
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Question Cutting corms in fall?

Ok, so I have 3 pots of bananas that might be Basjoo, but I'm not sure. The main corm in each has no stem, but there are pups galore coming out of it. The whole thing is way to heavy to lift and carry into the basement for the winter, so I need to know what to do. If I dump the dirt of the pot and cut the pups off, each with a piece of the corm, can I overwinter in the basement without re-planting? Or do I have to wait until spring when I can put each pup into a planting? I need to know quickly since the St. Louis area is already having freezing nights.

Since I don't know what these are and whether they are hardy here, I took the 4th pot and heeled it into my huge compost area to see if it survives. I don't want to try and plant in the ground unless I know they are hardy since my ground takes a pick ax to dig up.

And on that subject, how far away from a concrete in-ground pool should Basjoo's be planted to avoid the risk of the roots trying to break the concrete?
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