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Old 02-14-2007, 08:15 AM   #6 (permalink)
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Default Re: musa, pollinate, hybride

hello Gabe15,

Thanks for helping me out here. I'm quite happy that some are breeding own hybrids too. Not far from here is a university (Leuven) and they are worldfamous for there bananacultivars, mostly resistent to tropical diseases. Now, these are all tropical species, so they are produced to grow in Africa. No plants for cold zones thus.

Too bad, too few people try to create cold tolerant, hardy species. I believe that it's possible to eventually create a hybrid that's quite hardy and produces good fruits in a short circle of time. For the benefit of us all, no?

Something i didn't quite understand though; you speak of male flowers and female flowers. Is there a difference between those two. I've been making some crosses of citrus but i know, its not the same. Also, you speak of pollinating a flower just once? Is that enough pollen to create the hybrid?

I'm fascinated by the possible hybrids and how they would look,have to wait a while i guesse. What hybrids did you already create, or have in mind? The ultimate hybrid for me would be a musa sikkimensis x ingens.

Also thanks to Erlend for the picture of the blooming sikkimensis. Mine was aprox that size but i had to cut of a meter to let him fit in the mini greenhouse that i put around it. When freezing i switch on the lighttube of iguesse 10 m. When not freezing good ventilation. This year it seems to work (no rot).


Gunther, Brussels
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